Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Workout Video 2009, aka EA Sports Active

Remember the Denise Austin and Kiana Tom shows on TV? Remember the Jane Fonda Workout? Well, now the Wii has ushered in a new era of home workouts. It started with Wii fit last year. A program that allowed the user to do workouts with a new board peripheral. Now it seems there will be atleast 6 workout programs on store shelves this year for the Wii. The biggest release is EASports Active.

Electronic Arts or EA, the company that brings us Madden and NBA Live every year, has jumped on the Wii fitness craze. EA Sports Active might very well end up being the best of the bunch. Bob Greene, Oprah's trainer, was the lead consultant/designer of the exercises. The progam has several exercises, including lunges, squats, alternate biceps, running, walking, tennis, basketball, and inline skating. You can do any of these activities, you can create a custom workout my mixing these activities or you can do the jewel of the program, the "30-day Challenge".

The 30-day Challenge is a pre-made workout schedule that takes 30 days to complete. Factored into the 30 days are rest days and varied activities to mix things up and keep things fresh. You also have the chance to input your eating habits and other exercise you may be doing outside of Active. None of that is extremely detailed. For the food it asks did you drank any sodas, coffee or tea; if you had vegetables and did you drink water and how much. For the exercises there is a list of activities including: walking, basketball, running, etc., you put how long you did it and the intensity of the exercise. Keeping track with all that is optional, but I can see how it would effect the overall tracking of your challenge.

I started this today and in my next entry I will detail how it went.

Monday, May 25, 2009

New direction

I have been thinking about what to do with this blog for awhile. First thing is I really hated the hosting and blogging software I was using. It was so basic and such a chore just to get to the writing part that it made writing a pain. I had thought of going to Squarespace, but while it offered some nice and easy controls, getting to the writing part again was a pain. It actually has too many options.

So now I think I have decided on Google's Blogger platform. I also have decided to change the direction of this blog. It was a previously a sports blog with a little hurricane coverage thrown in. Well, now this will be a Sports/workout/photography blog. Hopefully the new platform will allow me to write as much as I want, as often as I want.